Hello Family and Friends!
Sorry I didn't send an email last week. It's been pretty crazy lately. After 6 months of being in downtown Vancouver, Washington I have been transferred to Seaside, Oregon.
My new area is about 6 times the size of my previous area. It covers at least 5 little cute touristy towns and is all spread out. (We have Canon beach and that famous rock in the ocean.) Seaside only has 5,000 people, so it is a lot smaller than Vancouver. Our apartment overlooks the ocean and we can walk on the beach, so my new companion, Sister Pope, and I have done that :) surfers dot the waves in the day-time and crab-boats are illuminated spots of light in the night. The first two days I was in Seaside it was a downpour of rain with probably a two-minute long let up. The town really looks like the city of Chew-and-Swallow from "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs."
This week has been up and down. I had to say "see you later" to all the people who have become my family in the past 6 months. I'm going to see a lot of them again one day, either when I come back and visit or when I get married. Either way, I have their addresses so I can bombard them with letters :) I have also met new people here in Seaside who are awesome. That's something that I love about the church. It doesn't matter where you go, you are going to have a family because the gospel is true and makes people happy and loving and reach out to you.
Something I have been thinking about is faith and having faith in God. There is a wonderful devotional by Elder Lynn G. Robbins from 2015 called, "Tasting the Light." He references Alma 32 in the Book of Mormon a lot, but something he addresses is faith, especially faith in God from a very logical standpoint. He first talks about Pascal who is a mathematician. Yes, the pascal triangle thingy you had to learn for Trig and pre-calculus but never in my life have I used that thingy again. Anywho, he came up with the mathematical theory of probability, which provides the science behind rational choice theory-a logical approach for making the best decisions. When it came to the big question whether or not God exists, he laid out four options. 1) we believe in God. If God exists then woohoo! We are saved, we have exaltation, eternal happiness, it's awesome! 2) we believe in God but he doesn't exist, then there is nothing to loose. We have become a better person by trying to be the best we can be. 3)we don't believe in God, but he exists. Then we loose eternal life. We loose our ability to progress and change. 4) we don't believe in Him, and he doesn't exist, nothing changes. We are the same. So logically it would make sense to believe in God because nothing is lost and eternal happiness is promised.
I thought about that a lot as we ran into some people who didn't believe in the Book of Mormon at all. I know it's true because I have read it and have a witness that it is true from the Holy Ghost. Even if I didn't have that witness, it makes sense to believe in it because I am better person from reading it and grow closer to both my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. There is nothing to loose from reading it and praying to know if it is true. If anything you loose time that could have been spent watching football or Netflix. That's not too bad of atrade-off, is it?
So today I am sharing my witness that I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know from reading it and from daily study and prayer I have come to know my divine nature as a daughter of a God. I have come to know of the greatest, most perfect love felt from my Heavenly Father.
From its pages I have come to know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. That he suffered and died for me, that he would know how to pick me up and carry me all throughout my life. Because life is hard. I am not perfect. And I really dislike the rain. But through Christ I can always see the light and the warmth that comes from truth. So if you are a truth-seeker, pick up the Book of Mormon.
Sorry I didn't send an email last week. It's been pretty crazy lately. After 6 months of being in downtown Vancouver, Washington I have been transferred to Seaside, Oregon.
My new area is about 6 times the size of my previous area. It covers at least 5 little cute touristy towns and is all spread out. (We have Canon beach and that famous rock in the ocean.) Seaside only has 5,000 people, so it is a lot smaller than Vancouver. Our apartment overlooks the ocean and we can walk on the beach, so my new companion, Sister Pope, and I have done that :) surfers dot the waves in the day-time and crab-boats are illuminated spots of light in the night. The first two days I was in Seaside it was a downpour of rain with probably a two-minute long let up. The town really looks like the city of Chew-and-Swallow from "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs."
More on Sister Pope, she is awesome! She has only been out three months. Sister Tauala and I actually took her and her MTC companion out to lessons with us on her first day in the mission, so that is pretty cool. She is from Utah, but unlike Sister Nilson and Sister Tauala who are Ute fans, she is a Y fan. So no more college rivalry happens during weekly planning :)
This week has been up and down. I had to say "see you later" to all the people who have become my family in the past 6 months. I'm going to see a lot of them again one day, either when I come back and visit or when I get married. Either way, I have their addresses so I can bombard them with letters :) I have also met new people here in Seaside who are awesome. That's something that I love about the church. It doesn't matter where you go, you are going to have a family because the gospel is true and makes people happy and loving and reach out to you.
I thought about that a lot as we ran into some people who didn't believe in the Book of Mormon at all. I know it's true because I have read it and have a witness that it is true from the Holy Ghost. Even if I didn't have that witness, it makes sense to believe in it because I am better person from reading it and grow closer to both my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. There is nothing to loose from reading it and praying to know if it is true. If anything you loose time that could have been spent watching football or Netflix. That's not too bad of atrade-off, is it?
From its pages I have come to know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. That he suffered and died for me, that he would know how to pick me up and carry me all throughout my life. Because life is hard. I am not perfect. And I really dislike the rain. But through Christ I can always see the light and the warmth that comes from truth. So if you are a truth-seeker, pick up the Book of Mormon.
Love, Sister Frisch